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The Fulcrum developer API

May 7, 2012

Fulcrum API public release

We just wrapped up the first public release of our API, opening up the Fulcrum platform and mobile app to developers that want to integrate Fulcrum into their own platforms or databases. The API has existed from the beginning of Fulcrum’s development as a communication endpoint for the mobile app, and we’ve added some new functionality to allow complete writing and reading of data to and from your Fulcrum account via the API. We’ve also extended the documentation pages to cover the API endpoints, with examples and descriptions of how to use each. All that’s required to get started on hacking with the API is to login with your Fulcrum account and go to your user profile page. You’ll see a link at the bottom to the settings where you can generate an API key.

Alternately, you could populate Fulcrum forms from another system by sending POST requests containing your data models using Fulcrum’s form definitions. You can even define field conditions (for field visibility or requirement) to build in your own conditional logic.

Opening up the platform API to developers will allow for tighter integration of Fulcrum with other backend databases like ArcGIS Server, PostGIS, or others by simply writing some connector code to fetch data from your Fulcrum account. If you have any questions about using the API and want to learn more, or have an idea about how you might want to employ it in your own applications, just get in touch with us!

Why release an API?

And for some further insight into the benefits of releasing an API, check out the reasons below!

  1. Encourages innovation and collaboration: By providing access to an API, developers and organizations can collaborate and build new applications or services that utilize the API’s functionality. This can lead to the creation of innovative new products or services that might not have been possible without the API.
  2. Increases market reach and adoption: Public APIs can be used by third-party developers to integrate an organization’s products or services into their own applications or services, which can increase the organization’s market reach and adoption. This can lead to increased revenue and customer engagement.
  3. Supports interoperability: APIs provide a standard way for different applications and services to communicate and share data, which can support interoperability between different systems. This can reduce costs and improve efficiency by eliminating the need for custom integrations.
  4. Enables data-driven decision-making: By providing access to data through an API, organizations can empower developers and stakeholders to make data-driven decisions. This can lead to improved decision-making and better outcomes.
  5. Promotes transparency and accountability: Public APIs promote transparency and accountability by making data and functionality available to the public. This can increase trust in organizations and support democratic values such as openness and accountability.

Overall, publicly releasing an API can have a number of benefits for organizations and society as a whole. By providing access to data and functionality, APIs can support innovation, interoperability, and data-driven decision-making, while promoting transparency and accountability.