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Fulcrum Mobile in Spanish, French, and Portuguese

March 4, 2014

Languages in Fulcrum

Fulcrum has a growing user base throughout Central and South America, Africa, and Europe, and supporting users worldwide is important to providing the best data collection tool for diverse environments. In the latest update to Fulcrum for Android and iOS mobile platforms, we’ve added translations into three new languages: Spanish, French, and Portuguese.

Fulcrum Android in Portuguese

All of the translations we’ve added work throughout the app. If you build apps with the App Designer on the web in native language — meaning all of the labels, picklist options, and inline instructions are in your language — you can then have a fully-localized mobile app to deploy into the field, minimizing training time for your staff.

Localized in Spanish

If you’re interested in having Fulcrum support even more languages, you can help contribute translations yourself! Join the Fulcrum project on Transifex to help us add other localizations for iOS and Android. Transifex is web-based software, so all you need to do to contribute translations is create an account, pick a language you want to translate, and select “Join Team” to get started. You can add new translations, or opt to check or validate existing ones. If you want to add a language you don’t see in the list, go to the main project page to request that one be added. Japanese and German translations are already in the works, so stay tuned for additional language support.