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Fulcrum on X

Signatures, PDF Reports, and Workflow Assignment

March 14, 2013

Over the past month you have probably noticed a few updates to Fulcrum. Our dev team has been working hard to bring you new features and improved functionality to make Fulcrum an even more powerful toolkit for mobile data collection. Check out what’s new…

Excel to Fulcrum

Import and Merge Data

Many users have existing tools for editing or tweaking their data, whether it be Excel, Microsoft Access, or even plain text. So we’ve added the ability to get data into exported formats, make some updates with the tool of your choice, then import the updated data back into Fulcrum. If you export your data including unique IDs, then the import will automatically detect and merge modified records when pulling the data back in. Check out a full in-depth overview in our online manual.

Assign and dispatch data

Record Assignment

Some field data requirements need users to only have access to work they’ve been assigned. Now account admins can use record assignment to assign specific records to users in their organization, then only that user will be able to download and modify the record on their mobile device. This enables powerful workflow and process management not possible with most field applications. Check out some more information about it on our record assignment help page.

Generate PDF reports

Report Generation

Now you can create a PDF report for any record right from the web app or iOS device (Android support coming soon!). This report can then be emailed or printed right from your phone or browser. More information can be found on our Reports help page. If you are interested in a custom, styled layout or on a standard template, email us to find out more.

Signature fields

Signature Fields

To complement the report generation, we have added a new signature field. This field allows users to capture signatures right from the mobile device, then have that signature stamped onto the generated PDF document – great for inspections, assessment surveys, or disclaimers on data entry forms. Read more about this new field on our Signature Fields help page.

Additional Highlights

In addition to everything above, we also have a new, very useful full-text record search for the iOS mobile app. Any data you’ve collected or downloaded to Fulcrum is now fully searchable, making it much simpler to navigate to named locations, street addresses, and more. Also look for the new inline and drill down section options, available for both iOS and Android.

Feedback and support

We’re always on the lookout for feedback from our users, so let us know what you think of the new features or share any features you would like to see added. Be sure to follow us on Twitter or Facebook for the latest news.