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Fulcrum on X

Layers and Location Tools

March 25, 2014

We just released an update to add several new tools for visualizing data in the Fulcrum web interface. Layers, which includes what was previously referred to as maps, will greatly enhance the data review experience through the Fulcrum web app. We also added a few tools to make finding locations in the web app easier and faster.



Fulcrum has long supported the display of offline maps on the mobile clients through the use of the MBTiles format. Now, you can view those same map files within the web app as overlays. You will be able to see and analyze the data that has been collected in the same manner as the person who collected the data in the field. This can be extremely helpful when reviewing data that was collected using grid assignment, parcel overlay, or even building blueprints.

Selecting layers from the layer picker

In addition, you can now add layers from several other sources including TileXYZ URLs, Mapbox hosted projects, GeoJSON, and TileJSON. Displaying layers on the map or split view brings new visualization capabilities to the Fulcrum web app.

For more information on adding layers and the different layer type options, please refer to the Fulcrum manual documentation about map layers. Custom map layers are fantastic for viewing your own GIS data content – imagery or vector data – live, right inside the browser along with your field-collected information.

Location Tools

As mentioned previously, we added tools for finding locations within the Fulcrum web app. When viewing an app’s data in either the map view or split view, you will notice two new buttons. The search button will allow you to type in information for finding a location, for example, “Clearwater, FL”. The map will then center and zoom into the location matching your search term. We also added a “locate me” button. Clicking the locate button will center and zoom the map to your current location.

Search for a location
Go to your current location on the map

Stay tuned over the next couple of days for more information on how the new layers feature can make viewing data in the Fulcrum web app more effective.