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Fulcrum on X

Full support for custom app icons

November 7, 2014

The latest updates to the Fulcrum Android and iOS mobile apps include some great new functionality that we are excited to announce. While every update includes subtle improvements, behind-the-scenes performance enhancements, and bug fixes, this release includes some great new features for truly personalizing your mobile apps, including new custom app icons.

Mobile app icons

Back in August we released the App Dashboard page for the Fulcrum web admin interface. This update allowed you to upload a custom image or logo for each of your apps. We are happy to announce that these images are now available from the mobile app selector as well. After upgrading to the latest version of the app, be sure to sync with the server to pull these images down to your device.

App icons allow you to associate your full logo and brand identity, which is now exposed to your mobile users. This is great for folks using Fulcrum as the mobile component to an enterprise GIS or asset management system, which may be utilized by customers outside of the administering organization.

Mobile App Icons

Advantages of custom app icons

In addition to the branded app icons looking cool, here are some other benefits:

  1. Brand recognition. Consistently using brand icons across marketing materials, products, and services helps customers identify your brand and distinguish it from competitors. This strategy builds brand recognition and loyalty over time.
  2. Professionalism. Incorporating brand icons into products and marketing materials creates a consistent, polished look that enhances credibility. Customers are more likely to trust and do business with professional, trustworthy companies.
  3. Marketing consistency. Placing brand icons on all materials ensures uniform branding across digital and physical channels. This alignment helps reinforce messaging and maintains a clear, consistent brand identity for customers.
  4. Emotional connection. Brand icons can trigger emotions and associations, strengthening the bond between your brand and customers. A well-designed, recognizable icon leaves a lasting impression and fosters positive feelings.
  5. Differentiation. A unique, memorable brand icon helps distinguish your brand from competitors. Standing out in a crowded market increases brand recognition and attracts more customers.

Overall, incorporating your brand icons into your products and marketing materials can help build brand recognition, establish professionalism, ensure consistency, create emotional connections with customers, and differentiate your brand from competitors.

‍We’d love to hear how you are taking advantage of this new functionality and we’re always looking for new ideas, so send your feature requests to support@fulcrumapp.com