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Week in Workflow: Event-Driven Process, Analytics

September 9, 2016

What’s new in workflow

Here are some of the interesting things the Fulcrum team has found from around the web related to workflow, data, and analytics. Enjoy!

Event Driven SaaS — The Workflow Of The Future

First up is a great, brief post from Tomasz Tunguz of Redpoint Ventures. He argues that the old data workflow model saw businesses buying software → doing work → updating databases → creating reports. He describes a new model where events and triggers drive and optimize the work process being done, which “prioritizes and informs” their work to be more effective. This is already being done in many markets, of course. Event-driven systems are expanding. Better outputs, less work.

Event-driven SaaS

The Push and Pull of Analytics

The team from Metabase describes two primary workflows for analysts: “Pushing important data to them, or letting them chose when and what data to Pull on their own”. Pull is great for small teams looking to self-serve specific needs; push is better for company-wide data points to be recursively analyzed (think weekly status reports).

4 Pillars to Becoming Data Driven

Brad Kirn from Astronomer talks about their path to becoming a better data-driven company. It’s not just about collection, which is where many organizations start and stop. It means nothing if you don’t do anything with it.

The Guide to GitHub Project Management

The awesome group at ZenHub (we’re huge fans at Fulcrum) have published this excellent e-book on how you can use GitHub for project management, not just code collaboration. Chock full of tips and tricks for anyone that uses GitHub heavily for team collaboration, like we do.

Update 2023:

And if you’re looking for more insight into becoming more data-driven in your field inspection operations, we’ve got just the guide for you!

Turn inspection requirements into management decisions with closed-loop field inspection management

Closing the loop from field inspections to data-driven actions

In an open-loop field inspection program, you do the field inspection, fix anything that needs fixing at that moment, and move on to the next thing.

In a closed-loop field inspection program, you use data collected to see trends, correct recurring problems, and make improvements to your training, SOPs, and processes based upon those insights.

To borrow a phrase from the tv game show Let’s Make a Deal, we’ll go for Door No. 2 every single time.

Find out how to transform your field inspection program to close the loop from data to action our free new guide!

Turn inspection requirements into management decisions with closed-loop field inspection management