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Fulcrum on X

Photos and Metadata Geotagging

October 10, 2013

Showing image metadata

Back in July, we added a small but very useful detail to how photos are displayed in the Fulcrum web app; all EXIF data can be shown while viewing a photo. This geotagging information includes device make/model, software, photo dimensions, date, altitude, direction, latitude/longitude, and even distance to record.

EXIF info

To display this data, simply go to the records visualization screen in the web app. Pull up either the table or split view, and click on a photo from one of the records. To the left of the photo, click on ‘Show Image Data’. A map appears, showing where the photo was taken and highlighting where the record was recorded. The rest of the information is displayed below the map.

Show image EXIF data

Advantages of displaying image metadata

The most obvious advantage to displaying this metadata is that it allows for verification of the accuracy (or proves the inaccuracy) of the collected data. Having the location and date of the photo capture proves that the collector was in the field taking this picture, on the same day the record was created.

The really awesome aspect about this feature is that each photo is tagged with its own location data, independent from the parent record. This, along with the rest of the information, adds a whole other level of detail to your data collection process. For example, if someone is inspecting a construction site, they might have one record for the site and multiple photos of various issues in different areas. Without leaving the web app, a supervisor in the office can view exactly where on the site the photo was taken, and possibly send someone else out for a closer look.

After downloading a photo, you can view the EXIF data, including a map showing the location, in many regular photo viewing programs.

Viewing location on iOS
Viewing GPS data on Android

We hope that this feature comes in handy for our users. How do you anticipate using the EXIF data in your field work?