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Culvert Inspection Form

Download this culvert inspection checklist to evaluate structural damage and plan remedial actions.

Culverts are an essential part of our infrastructure, requiring routine inspection to ensure they are stable and unobstructed so traffic can safely pass over water flows. Regular inspections and good record keeping are critical to maintaining a functional inventory of culverts.

This page will discuss:

  • Culvert inspection form requirements
  • The purpose of culvert inspections
  • Benefits of using the culvert inspection app

What are the requirements of a culvert inspection checklist?

Culvert inspections are meant to ensure structural soundness, compliance with environmental and DOT regulations. A culvert inspection checklist should not only document the measurements and materials, but it should look for corrosion, abrasian, cracks, problems with joints or seams, and buildup of debris that could obstruct the flow of water. s are necessary components ofour infrastructure and require regular inspections. This helps to evaluate thecondition of culverts and plan suitable remedial measures.

Who uses a culvert inspection form and why?

Civil engineers conduct most culvert inspections to identify structural defects and potential damage that could obstruct the flow of water or of traffic above. Regular inspections help ensure structural integrity is maintained and the culvert complies with local and federal regulations.

Why use a culvert inspection app?

A culvert inspection app enables engineers to quickly conduct culvert inspections using the mobile device they’re already carrying, rather than juggling multiple tools and dealing with the hassles of paperwork. With a mobile app, you can attach pictures and even video recordings to document water seepage or other problems and verify the condition of the culvert, and all inspections are automatically geotagged so they can be located easily.

Download the checklist