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Data-driven environmental safety: stories from the field

Learn how digital field inspection management lets your field teams be your environmental safety eyes and ears.

EHS professionals need an enormous amount of data to provide advice or make good choices regarding water safety, construction issues, infrastructure maintenance, and more. They need their mobile crews to help them know the critical details that ensure healthy environmental outcomes.

In this webinar, you’ll learn how a digital approach to field inspection management enables field teams to become the eyes and ears of environmental safety, helping EHS professionals get better information, become more data driven, and drive healthy environmental outcomes.

A panel of speakers will address issues that affect every team leader, manager, or executive involved in environmental safety, including:

  • Ensuring accurate inspections and compliance across an entire field team
  • Automating downstream support and remediation using data-driven workflows
  • Harnessing the power of location information for unique environmental health and safety needs
  • Optimizing field team performance with insights derived from inspection results
  • Maximizing the value of inspection data by making it easily accessible and shareable among all stakeholders

View the webinar