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Data-driven safety, quality and maintenance inspection management

If you work in a labor-centric environment, you know about the importance of field inspections – they keep workers safe, quality high, and operations going smoothly. But did you know that that’s barely scratching the surface of how critical field inspections are to keeping your organization competitive, and, well, in business?

In response to its multi-month study, Paradoxes research firm has uncovered fascinating insights into the importance of field inspection management, including:

  • Top positive impacts of safety programs (surprise: it’s not recordable injury rate!)
  • What percentage of companies still collect some data using pen & paper – and why that’s a problem
  • How much time the average worker in the field spends performing each inspection, and what percentage of the worker’s day is devoted to collecting, managing, and analyzing project data (hint: it’s a lot)
  • The biggest obstacles to efficiently collecting field inspection data – and what to do about them

Download our guide to find out everything you need to know to sell your team on the importance of a modern field inspection management platform – and how to get started!

Download the guide
Mature man at construction site using a tablet - data driven inspection management