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Fire extinguisher inspection checklist

Use this checklist to conduct OSHA-mandated fire extinguisher inspections to stay compliant and protect your facilities.

Fire extinguishers must be inspected regularly to ensure that they are fully charged, correctly positioned, and any expired units are replaced promptly. Using a fire extinguisher inspection checklist can help to confirm that no inspection points are missed by giving detailed instructions on the different checks that need to be performed to ensure safe fire extinguisher operation.

Who uses a fire extinguisher inspection checklist, and why?

Dedicated fire extinguisher inspectors, as well as anyone preparing for an inspection, can utilize this checklist to complete thorough inspections. This ensures that all mandated requirements are met and that you, your employees and your business are protected.

Regular inspections can help to eliminate potentially dangerous scenarios and are mandated by OSHA to make sure that fire extinguishers will be fully operational when they are needed. OSHA requires that all businesses comply with fire extinguisher regulations, and that includes the completion of regular, detailed visual inspections.

The benefits of using a mobile fire extinguisher inspection checklist app

Paper checklists cost time and resources to maintain. Your health and safety personnel have more important duties than keeping tabs on paper copies that may or may not be needed in the future, and chasing employees down for paperwork is wildly unproductive. A mobile fire extinguisher inspection app enables you to track fire extinguisher inspection information effortlessly in the cloud with access granted to multiple individuals. It only takes a moment to pull up information on the last inspection which can help to keep your team accountable and compliant with regulatory standards.

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