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Four approaches to creating location-aware apps

To do their jobs effectively, today’s field workforces need location-aware apps: apps that connect what’s happening — inspection data that’s being collected, or steps in a checklist that someone is checking off — with where it’s happening, or that provide users with maps to understand the location context of what they’re doing.

Because of the variety of work that field teams do, they need their location-aware apps to have a wide range of features that can adapt to their specific needs, depending on the task: from building digitized checklists that can show exactly where a field worker was standing when she took a picture, to compiling reports for supervisors or clients that indicate specific locations on map, to accessing custom-built field maps of anything that needs mapping — cable routes, poles, political or property boundaries — that can help guide them in the field.

This guide compares four different types of technology platform that can help you meet their needs:

  • GIS-specific mobile app development
  • IT-managed, general-purpose low-code platforms
  • Business-unit-managed, general-purpose no-code platforms
  • Field-managed, location-savvy digital platforms

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