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Lost equipment is lost money: a guide to protecting your ass(ets)

Find out how to track your costly equipment in real time and make rapid, data-driven asset management decisions.

Construction companies lose tens of thousands of hours — and dollars — per year looking for tools and other equipment. When you’ve invested millions, you need to maximize the value and the lifespan of your assets. Existing asset management systems, from paper and spreadsheets to desktop applications, can be cumbersome, inflexible, and don’t provide real-time visibility into the whereabouts of your heavy equipment.

Download this guide to learn how to:

  • Leverage mobile field inspection management applications to track your assets in real-time
  • Get your mobile app up and running quickly and iterate as business needs change
  • Integrate your asset management into GIS systems for location-based insights
  • Make rapid, data-driven decisions
Download the guide