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Optimizing Digital Data Collection: A Field Guide

Data collection in the field can be more demanding and harder to manage than anything you would see in an office. It’s harder to maintain process consistency, get clean data, and share information with stakeholders. Digital inspections can help, but it’s important to take advantage of all of the capabilities your digital platform offers if you’re going to really move the needle. This webinar will focus on some of the specific requirements you’ll need to optimize digital data collection in the field. It applies to field safety and quality inspections, lone worker scenarios, standard operating procedures, and other data collection requirements. Using Fulcrum as an example, we’ll discuss capabilities that include:

  • Managing teams using ad hoc checklists as well as rigorously defined data collection apps
  • Sharing relevant information with other people and systems in real time
  • Closing the loop with GIS platforms, enabling data collectors to get information from them and provide data to them
  • Using built-in AI to automatically obfuscate faces in photos
  • Auditing collected records, including who made which changes and when
  • Incorporating technologies such as drones, 3D cameras, and more to expand data collection beyond manual data entry

There’s more, of course. Join VP of Product Marketing Jake Freivald as he discusses lessons learned from clients, shows demonstrations of these capabilities in Fulcrum, and takes your questions about digital data collection strategies and techniques.

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