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Trust but verify – combating field ops fraud with field inspection management tools

Discover the game-changing potential of digital field inspection management tools in combating fraud. Our infographic delves into real cases of fraudulent inspections and how a digital platform could have prevented them. From geolocation cross-checks to automatic report creation, these tools provide the certainty you need in critical safety inspections.

Field ops fraud – and how field inspection management tools could have helped

  • Pacific Gas & Electric Case.  First, see how geolocation would unmasked deceitful workers failing to perform inspections. This in turn would have avoided an incident where live wires crashed into a backyard swimming pool.
  • Washington Metro Structures Department Case. Next, eliminate the risk of faulty inspections through the use of automatic reports with automatically collected geolocation data using a field inspection management tool.
  • Federal Inspector Case. Thirdly, dive into the world of required documentation, like automatically tagged photos, helps to guard against inspector fabrication.
  • NYC Track Inspectors Case. Finally, discover how date and location stamps on photos could’ve foiled deception, keeping inspections on track.

In conclusion, you shouldn’t wait for disaster to strike to take action to keep your workers and the public safe. The consequences of a single fraudulent inspection can be catastrophic, resulting in outages, fires, or worse. This infographic highlights why verifying safety inspection performance is crucial and how field inspection management tools can be your partners in reliability. Download our infographic to gain deeper insights and discover how Fulcrum is here to empower you in ensuring the integrity of your field inspections. Your commitment to safety and operational excellence starts now.

And if you’re looking for a deeper dive into the subject, you should definitely check out, Trust, but verify – preventing utility inspection fraud, a free on-demand webinar by Fulcrum’s own Jake Freivald.

View the infographic
Illustrations of field inspection technology to demonstrate field inspection management tools