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Vacation rental properties survey

Download this free PDF checklist to track rental properties, their locations and features.

A vacation rental properties survey is used to keep track of properties that provide short-term accommodation to travelers and guests. It is also called a short-term rentals survey.

This page will discuss:

  • Vacation rental properties survey requirements
  • The purpose of a vacation rental properties survey
  • Benefits of using a vacation rental properties survey app

What are the requirements of the vacation rental properties survey?

A vacation rental properties survey is used to collect information regarding properties available for rent to the holiday guests or visitors. It should include basic data about the property, including number of bedrooms and bathrooms, its location, features and rates, as well as any maintenance issues that need to be addressed.

Who uses a vacation rental properties survey and why?

Rental property managers and property owners use a vacation rental properties survey to manage vacation properties and rental units properly. The purpose of a vacation rental properties survey is to identify the location of the rental properties available for guest accommodations in a particular area, their size, rates, and other important information. It also helps property managers and owners to determine maintenance problems and recommend repairs.

Why use a vacation rental properties survey app?

A vacation rental properties survey app streamlines the property survey and rental process by enabling users to conduct their surveys with a mobile device rather than with pen and paper. They can also include photos and videos to provide a more complete survey, without having to go back later to match up paper forms with photos. With automatically geotagged records, a survey app will show all of the properties on a map for property managers and rental agencies to easily locate. Users can also filter options in the dashboard view to show only properties with specific features, such as waterfront or number of bedrooms – all without wasting time transcribing records into a separate database.

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