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Vehicle mileage tracker form

Download this mileage tracker to ensure accurate record-keeping for your vehicles and tax purposes.

Keeping track of fleet vehicle mileage is an important practice for any business, and for a variety of different reasons. Many companies understand that logging accurate mileage readings can help them plan for service intervals, preventative maintenance, or warranty expiration, but it can also help to confirm the mileage driven by individual employees in specific vehicles. Most commonly, however, businesses keep track of the mileage driven in their fleet vehicles in order to provide accurate readings to the IRS for deductions and other tax purposes.

Who uses a vehicle mileage tracker form?

Accurate mileage tracking can be extremely beneficial for anyone who spends considerable time driving their vehicle for business purposes, whether you’re self-employed or part of an organization with a large fleet. A wide variety of industries track mileage on their vehicles, including:

  • Rideshare companies
  • Delivery services
  • Salespeople
  • Real estate agents
  • Freelancers
  • Service workers and more

The benefits of using a mobile vehicle mileage tracking app

Asking employees to keep track of their own mileage often results in incorrect or misleading data and can be a burden to collect. Furthermore, recording data manually before departure and upon arrival is time-consuming and limits the productivity and efficiency of the driver.

A mobile vehicle mileage tracker app eliminates incomplete or misleading mileage data by creating an easy tracking process that helps both those recording the data and those using it. This means that you can easily track mileage for entire fleets and have access to detailed records at the swipe of a screen. When tax season comes around, data can be exported effortlessly into your spreadsheets to be included in your corporate tax returns.

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