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Case Study

DIEHLUX, LLC – How Fulcrum data collection platform provides a competitive edge

DIEHLUX, an innovative ecological and natural resource consulting firm, switched to the Fulcrum data collection platform in 2019 to revolutionize its field operations. Specializing in energy, telecommunications, water resources, and land development markets, DIEHLUX found itself grappling with the challenges of diverse software interfaces, manual data collection, and inefficient photo integration.

Before Fulcrum’s implementation, DIEHLUX relied on laborious Word documents and Excel spreadsheets for data collection and photo management. However, the introduction of Fulcrum brought about a transformative shift. The integration prowess of Fulcrum enabled seamless communication among stakeholders, from contractors to regulators, enhancing transparency and data sharing.

Benefits from the Fulcrum data collection platform

A significant enhancement arose from the use of annotated videos, accompanied by GIS data and timestamps. This innovation created a narrative that transcended traditional written reports, providing a holistic understanding of site conditions. Furthermore, Fulcrum’s capacity to generate daily reports sped up the reporting process, eliminating the need for manual entries.

In addition, DIEHLUX’s commitment to data consistency and accuracy received a boost with Fulcrum’s intuitive interface. Mandatory and conditional fields, coupled with in-app reference materials, ensured standardized data collection regardless of team member experience.

The implementation of the Fulcrum data collection platform for DIEHLUX not only transformed operations but also yielded far-reaching benefits for clients. Thorough and accurate data collection translated into substantial time and cost savings, including the reduction of permitting delays.

Employee retention and recruitment also improved by using Fulcrum’s data collection platform. Fulcrum’s efficiency reduced the burden on field teams. Now inspectors’ workdays end when they’re done collecting data – not when they’re done entering this data into a spreadsheet. This time-saving advancement was critical to attracting and retaining workers in a climate of industry-wide labor shortages, enabling DIEHLUX to maintain a dedicated workforce.

Finally, Fulcrum also plays a vital role in DIEHLUX’s pursuit of continuous improvement. The adaptability of Fulcrum’s data collection platform facilitates swift revisions to processes and the creation of new forms to align with evolving regulatory requirements.

Download the customer case study to learn the full story of how Fulcrum has become a catalyst for DIEHLUX’s success story, enabling it to surmount challenges and redefine its competitive edge!

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Case Study DIEHLUX, LLC – How Fulcrum data collection platform provides a competitive edge DIEHLUX, an innovative ecological and natural resource consulting firm, switched to the Fulcrum data collection platform