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Case Study

FM Sylvan

Enhancing safety protocols with Fulcrum

Ensuring worker safety in construction is crucial. FM Sylvan has significantly improved its safety protocols with Fulcrum, a no-code mobile data collection and workflow automation platform. By transitioning from pen-and-paper methods to Fulcrum’s technology, FM Sylvan has improved safety reporting and reduced on-site incidents.

Managing hazardous tasks and compliance

Industrial contracting involves hazardous tasks, including excavation and confined space work. Compliance with OSHA and other regulatory bodies is essential. However, managing these processes manually is time-consuming and error-prone. FM Sylvan’s adoption of Fulcrum has provided an efficient solution for safety management.

Streamlined construction data collection and analysis

Fulcrum allows FM Sylvan to create custom mobile apps for daily safety procedures, checklists, and other forms. This integration has empowered employees to access and submit data effortlessly, enhancing visibility across all project sites. The ability to collect and analyze real-time data means FM Sylvan can proactively address safety concerns, ensuring a safer working environment.

Reducing insurance premiums and improving bids

One significant benefit FM Sylvan has experienced is the reduction in their Experience Modification Rate (EMR), which impacts insurance premiums. By demonstrating their commitment to an advanced safety program through detailed, accurate reporting, they’ve secured better rates and opened doors to more bid opportunities.

User-friendly interface for veteran workers

Additionally, Fulcrum’s platform has streamlined the data collection process, making it easier for employees to complete safety reports on their smartphones or tablets. The use of drop-down menus and pre-populated fields has minimized the need for manual entry, reducing the potential for errors. This user-friendly approach has been particularly beneficial for veteran workers who may not be as comfortable with technology.

Centralized data storage and improved communication

Moreover, the centralized data storage provided by Fulcrum ensures that all safety-related information is easily accessible. This visibility allows regional leaders to monitor safety compliance across various job sites, ensuring that safety standards are consistently met. The ability to quickly retrieve and share data has also improved communication with clients and regulatory bodies.

Leading the industry with modern safety practices

FM Sylvan’s experience with Fulcrum demonstrates the value of modernizing safety management and construction data collection practices. The transition to digital data collection has not only enhanced safety but also increased efficiency and accountability. This proactive approach to safety management has positioned FM Sylvan as a leader in the construction industry, committed to protecting its workers and exceeding industry standards.

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Engineer, architect and construction supervisor Use tablet to record information while inspecting construction work - construction data collection