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Root cause analysis report template

Use this form to analyze and determine the exact cause of a problem or accident on the job site.

A root cause analysis is an investigative process that helps you analyze and determine the exact cause of a problem or accident on the job site that slows down or stops your project’s workflow and productivity.

Whether it’s a single incident or a recurring problem adversely affecting your operations, the root cause analysis report template walks you through all the information you need to collect for an accurate and thorough analysis of the issue, then drills down to determine its cause and help you to eliminate it from your workplace.

What information do you need to analyze root causes?

After describing the background issue and its impact on operations, the root cause analysis report template will prompt you to collect specific information surrounding the problem, including possible contributing factors, personnel involved and their responses, and information and communication chains. If required, photo evidence can be attached to corroborate and verify information.

Collecting these facts will help you analyze what went wrong and find out exactly why. Once the cause is identified, the template leads you to recommend solutions to the problem and mark out strategies to prevent it from recurring.

Who uses a root cause analysis, and why?

A root cause analysis gives project and safety managers full visibility into what factors are currently causing problems, inefficiencies, or even dangers on the job site. By collecting a variety of information from multiple sources, including employees associated with the project, managers will be able to easily trace and map out causes and effects normally obscured on complex job sites.

With the full picture provided by the root cause analysis report template, a project manager can quickly get to the bottom of things, provide updates to everyone involved, and recommend actionable solutions for urgent issues.

Why use a mobile app for root cause analysis?

A root cause analysis is a complex undertaking, especially in construction or engineering projects. The amount of information can quickly overwhelm any safety or project manager still relying on paper, which is prone to errors, hard to keep track of, and slow to circulate.

Overcome these challenges by adopting a paper-free, digital process. With a complete list of pre-selected categories to guide you, a root cause analysis app prevents errors and saves you time. And with real-time updates, no one is left out of the loop.

Get to the bottom of things. Download the free PDF.

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