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Using Data to Strengthen Your Safety Culture

How specific is the average worker’s understanding of why they engage in safety processes? The crudest of “whys” is that we do it because we’re told to. This leads to “what we dos” that include core safety requirements attained through the “how we do it” of safety precautions and inspections. But such a crude view of the why, what, and how of safety leads to rote compliance: It doesn’t engage the emotions and energy of all of our fellow workers, which means it will never be a core cultural value.

This webinar will help you help everyone in your organization to feel the need for safety in their bones, know what it means to achieve a safe workplace, and understand how to play their part in that achievement. Since feeling, knowing, and understanding each require information, we’ll discuss the role that data plays in establishing and reinforcing this culture of safety, including the ways we can generate, aggregate, and share information. In doing so, we’ll lay groundwork for a modern, integrated approach to safety – one in which safety-related information is continuously transmitted throughout an organization in a closed-loop cycle to reinforce the why, the what, and the how of safety processes.

Join this webinar and:

  • Learn how to continuously improve engagement by using the safety knowledge we gain from planning, inspecting, creating observations, and remediating issues on a ‘closed loop’ that feeds back from later actions into earlier ones
  • Understand how to communicate the why, what, and how of safety to different types of people in your organization based on the needs of their role
  • Walk away with a framework for action that can get you started in developing the closed-loop cycle you need to improve your organization
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