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Improving Fulcrum Editor With Better Basemaps From DigitalGlobe

September 5, 2017

On September 1, 2017, astute users of the Spatial Networks product, Fulcrum, may have noticed a slight change to the Fulcrum Editor mapping interface. On that day, we switched our underlying basemap provider to the DigitalGlobe Maps API. DigitalGlobe is a world-class provider of satellite imagery and Fulcrum will now be able to serve up better basemaps directly from their premium imagery map service.

Digital Globe and Fulcrum

The change to our basemaps may not be obvious at first, because the DigitalGlobe API includes a version of the Mapbox Streets basemap, which was our previous default basemap. Initially, we implemented the basemaps that were most closely analogous to those which we had served previously, but we will continue to work on other offerings and improving Fulcrum as we move forward.

As a small business with an industry-leading mobile data-collection product, Spatial Networks found that DigitalGlobe’s product offered a excellent fit for our business; not only for Fulcrum, but for the full range of our business operations. We hope you enjoy working with the new basemaps and we’re looking forward working more closely with DigitalGlobe in the future.