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The Fulcrum Focus

Stay in the know with thought leadership, product updates, and latest news on field inspection and data collection topics.

Insights and inspirations from the Esri User Conference

We just got back from the Esri User Conference and are still riding that post-conference high! Before we dive back into our daily routines, let’s recap some of the fantastic moments and insights from last week.

How hydroelectric power inspections contribute to a greener future

In our push for sustainable energy, hydroelectric power is a key player. It generates electricity without greenhouse gases, making it vital in combating climate change. The effectiveness of hydroelectric power relies on regular, advanced inspections to ensure safety and reliability. Additionally, these inspections optimize peak efficiency, maximizing hydroelectric power’s contribution to environmental conservation.

The Lifecycle of field data collection for water infrastructure

For water utilities, the process of gathering accurate and comprehensive field data is critical in ensuring the reliability and efficiency of water systems. This blog explores the lifecycle of field data collection in the context of water infrastructure, highlighting its pivotal role from initial assessments and design through to construction, maintenance, and eventual upgrades.

Esri GIS for site assessments on solar and wind farms

As the world continues to grapple with the pressing challenges of climate change and energy sustainability, the importance of renewable energy has never been more pronounced. Solar panels and wind turbines are at the forefront of this movement, providing clean, sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels. However, the successful deployment of these technologies depends heavily on precise planning and strategic placement. This is where Esri GIS and field data collection platforms such as Fulcrum come into play, offering unparalleled tools for identifying optimal locations and ensuring the success of renewable energy projects.

Ensuring grid stability with high-quality Esri data collection

The electric grid is a complex and dynamic network that requires continuous monitoring and management to ensure stability and reliability. In this context, high-quality data collection is not just beneficial but essential. Esri’s GIS technologies transform how electricity utilities manage their infrastructures. By integrating Esri with Fulcrum for data collection, utilities can enhance their operations across various facets such as grid management, asset management, and outage response. This blog post explores the impact of this integration on ensuring grid stability.

The intersection of geospatial technology and energy management

Geospatial technology is revolutionizing various industries, particularly energy management. As the cornerstone of sustainability and efficiency, geospatial technology – comprising Geographic Information Systems (GIS), satellite imagery, and drone technology – offers profound insights and optimization capabilities across sectors. Optimizing energy resource management not only addresses immediate operational efficiencies but also steers the global sustainability agenda. This blog explores the powerful connection between geospatial technology and the energy sector, highlighting how it can drive transformation and pave the way for a more sustainable future.

Renewable reclamation through GIS data collection software

Renewable resource reclamation represents an innovative progression in environmental management, focusing on the revival and rejuvenation of ecosystems previously impacted by human activity. By infusing sustainability into the recovery of these landscapes, there’s an emphasis on ecological balance and the thoughtful repurposing of natural resources. A pivotal element in these endeavors is Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology, providing the advanced tools necessary for detailed data collection and insightful analysis, which are the cornerstones of any successful reclamation project.

Fulcrum’s role in geospatial data integration

Geospatial data integration involves combining geospatial data (which is data related to specific geographic locations) from various sources into a single, comprehensive dataset. This process typically requires harmonizing different data formats, coordinate systems, and data models. The integrated data can then be analyzed and visualized more effectively, providing a comprehensive geographical perspective. This is particularly useful in fields like urban and rural development, environmental management, and construction, where understanding spatial relationships and patterns is crucial for decision-making and planning.

Geo Week 2024: Exploring the future of geospatial intelligence

Geo Week 2024 marked a significant milestone in the evolution of geospatial intelligence (GEOINT). The event showcased significant advances in airborne, terrestrial, and commercial 3D technologies. In response to evolving geospatial and built world professionals’ needs, it brought together experts, innovators, and enthusiasts from around the globe. As a result, it served as a melting pot of technology, ideas, and advancements in the field. Moreover, it emphasized the fusion of traditional geospatial methods with the latest trends. Additionally, it integrated AI and big data analytics into mapping and spatial analysis.

Accelerating operational flexibility with FieldTech and GIS SaaS integration

Embracing cutting-edge solutions in today’s fast-evolving operational landscape is essential, and one such innovation is the convergence of Field Technology (FieldTech) — technology built for and managed by field teams — with Geographic Information System (GIS) Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings. These integrated platforms are revolutionizing industry workflows by providing unprecedented agility and capacity to adjust to market and environmental alterations quickly and effectively.

GIS project management: best practices and challenges

GIS data is the cornerstone of planning decisions. GIS data helps us understand the relationships between a location and the surrounding environmental and social context. In sectors like utilities, environmental engineering, telecom, and others, GIS project managers use geospatial data to create accurate models and forecast possible risks. Project managers plan and oversee the completion of all major GIS-related projects. They depend on accurate field data to create timelines and allot resources. GIS project management is a complex job, with many moving parts. In addition to creating the overall workflow plan and timeline, the project manager also interacts with clients, oversees the budget, and supervises work teams.

GIS data management: from digital maps to landscape realities

Geography influences a vast array of business, government, and personal decisions. The “how” and “why” of processes and developments often come down to the particulars of place. The physical realities of a location are important, obviously, but so are the social specifics. The environmental context is also vital. Understanding not only what all those attributes are but also how they interrelate requires a thorough collection of geospatial GIS data.

Boosting operational productivity in the field with digital data collection

Ramping up operational productivity in the field is a major goal for any GIS Manager, and it hinges on one crucial factor: quality data. Forget the old-school methods of scribbling notes in a notebook. The game has changed with the advent of data collection technology. This isn’t simply about the replacement of outdated tools with new technology. Instead, it’s a fundamental shift in how we handle field data.

Technology innovations in electrical infrastructure maintenance and repair

The global use of electricity continues to grow every year. In fact, electricity usage in 2022 was more than three times higher than in 1980, and demand continues to climb. A robust plan for electrical infrastructure maintenance is essential to safely meet the needs of our interconnected world.

How utility companies will use Fulcrum to gain an actionable advantage in 2024

As 2023 draws to a close, utilities face considerable headwinds, finding themselves squeezed by regulator-driven demands for sustainability and environmental care, and grappling with escalating service delivery costs. In this challenging landscape, GIS-enhanced data collection emerges as a crucial tool for utilities, aiding in balancing these demands while maintaining operational efficiency.

Driving geospatial innovation in field services with Fulcrum

You know how, when you’re in the field, you sometimes need to step back to get a little perspective? It’s similar with software. We recently took a few minutes to host a webinar, Chart new territory with lines and polygons in Fulcrum, to help our customers understand how our geospatial innovation and capabilities fit in with our purpose as a company.

How GIS mobile data collection connects teams across distances

What is GIS mobile data collection?
You might be familiar with Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a technology that has been a cornerstone for capturing and analyzing spatial data. GIS mobile data collection with platforms such as Fulcrum takes this foundational technology to the next level. It’s not just about creating maps or storing data; it’s about instantaneous capture and sharing of geospatial information.

What is geospatial data collection?

Imagine merging the where with the what to make smarter decisions – that’s the essence of geospatial data collection, a cornerstone in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Whether you’re in utilities, urban planning, environmental science, or any other field that requires data to be correlated with exact locations, understanding this practice is essential. This blog post will demystify the what, why, and how of geospatial data collection, equipping you with the foundational knowledge to make more informed decisions based on location-specific data.

Water quality technology: A GIS-enabled approach to monitoring water quality

Not only is clean and safe water vital for public health, but failing to ensure water quality also has wide economic and environmental consequences. Water quality technology has traditionally involved cumbersome or slow sampling and testing methods, often delaying the identification of contaminants. However, Geographic Information System (GIS) has now made real-time water quality monitoring more simple, effective, and accurate than ever.

Green geometry: harnessing advanced GIS in vegetation management for utilities

Vegetation management is a continuous challenge for utility companies. From mountain forests to city streets, ensuring vegetation doesn’t interfere with electrical lines is critical for safety and service continuity.
This is no easy feat, especially if utilities rely on outdated data collection methods that can’t properly track critical data points or produce decisive insights.

Fulcrum’s new frontier: bringing lines and polygons to life

I’m excited to share some big news with you today. We’ve brought lines and polygons to Fulcrum, a move that’s been high on our clients’ wish list for quite some time. This isn’t just a new feature; it’s a big step forward in making GIS-oriented data collection and field operations more straightforward and effective, a goal I had in mind when I joined Fulcrum four years ago. And believe me, we’re just warming up.

Lines, polygons, and data: mapping efficiency in the field

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) continue to transform field data collection, offering depth and detail that were previously out of reach. Fulcrum leads the charge in this revolution by integrating GIS lines and polygons directly into its data collection tool, setting a new benchmark for industries requiring comprehensive and precise geospatial analysis. Join us as we explore the enhanced functionalities and real-world applications that are defining the next chapter in field data collection.

The power of GIS lines and polygons for utility planning

Geographic information systems (GIS) have emerged as vital tools for visualizing and analyzing spatial data in utility management. These systems utilize detailed mapping features such as lines (representing linear features like roads or utility cables) and polygons (depicting enclosed areas like parcels or land use zones). This technology grants utility companies a deep understanding of complex network systems, facilitating informed strategies to meet the needs of growing communities. It empowers them to pursue well-informed expansion strategies with efficiency and foresight. Below we’ll explore how GIS lines and polygons for utility planning can help with data-driven decisions and field management tasks.

GIS lines and polygons reshaping utilities

Data accuracy plays a critical role in utility field operations. Incorporating GIS lines and polygons is reshaping utilities with visual data collection and mapping of critical assets.

Spatial insights for electrical inspections

Field inspections are central to an electrical utility’s network, safeguarding infrastructure by identifying wear and potential hazards to prevent service disruption. Successful electrical inspections require collecting and analyzing accurate and reliable data to identify inefficiencies and risks and prioritize timely remediation.

Revolutionizing water management – the power of GIS applications and data collection platforms

In the realm of modern water management, there are two unsung heroes that deserve the spotlight: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications and data collection platforms. They might not have flashy costumes, but the impact of data collection platforms and GIS applications for water, wastewater, and stormwater systems is nothing short of transformative. Read on to learn how this dynamic duo is rewriting the playbook for efficient water management.

Creating a sustainable urban infrastructure with GIS data

As urban spaces grow and evolve, governments often face challenges in finding the right balance in urban infrastructure between sustainable development and residents’ needs.

Flexibility and scalability: Esri’s GIS integration for utilities data collection

If you are a follower of Fulcrum (and we hope you are!), you’ve probably seen our Esri announcements over the past six months or so, starting with our definitive commercial provider agreement and most recently talking about further Esri integration with a host of new features. But today we wanted to single out a couple of advantages to the Fulcrum-Esri pairing that don’t get enough press:  scalability and flexibility.  And as there’s no industry better to showcase these benefits, read on to learn more about GIS integration for utilities and how it optimizes both scalability and flexibility of their operations. 

Fulcrum is G2 Summer 2023 Leader in Mobile Forms Automation

Every quarter when the G2 reports come in, we admit we have the teensiest bit of butterflies fluttering in our figurative stomach.  Is the Fulcrum data collection and mobile forms automation tool continuing to make a difference in users’ inspection processes? And, Have the improvements we’ve been making paid off for our customers? And even, Do the customers still like us? 

Key takeaways from the 2023 Esri User Conference

As the world continues to evolve, so does our interaction with it. The key to navigating this change lies in the power of data and technology. This was the central theme at the 2023 Esri User Conference, which Fulcrum encompasses in its Field Management Platform. With Esri, the leading GIS data system, Fulcrum is excited to be in your hands moving the world forward. We are revolutionizing how we build, solve, and transform our world.

Chart new territory using advanced geospatial tools with Esri integration

Back in November when we announced our definitive Commercial Provider agreement with Esri to build on the Esri technology stack, we asked you to watch this space for updates. So, for those of you who’ve been watching (and even those who’ve maybe stepped away from the Fulcrum Focus to get a cup of coffee or something), we’ve got exciting new features and geospatial tools to share!

Power up your undergrounding projects with field inspection management software

Undergrounding relocates overhead utility lines and infrastructure below ground. Cities and utility companies are increasingly adopting this to enhance the reliability and look of their electrical systems.

Product update: Fulcrum maps change today

Get great results by default with Esri
Great news! Beginning April 12, 2023, Esri’s GIS software becomes the default mapping tool in Fulcrum’s mobile platform.

Fulcrum for data collection: Part III – government

For the last installment of Fulcrum for Field Data Collection software, we explore the stories of some of our government clients – enjoy!

Prevent losses by using field inspection software for GIS asset management

For companies in sectors like construction, as well as in field-oriented industries like telecom and utilities, the scope and complexity of in-house and field operations mean they’re often just squeaking by: for example, construction general contractors average a mere 4% profit margin (versus an average of 15.5% across all industries). In addition, keeping costs contained is critical for highly regulated telecoms and utilities that are subject to much scrutiny regarding profits, and, in the case of utilities, usually require government approval to raise rates.

Location intelligence for smarter field inspections

You may know that Fulcrum is the only field inspection platform that automatically delivers location information with every inspection, every data point, every task, and every issue. But how does Fulcrum’s geolocation capability play out over different titles and job functions? We’ve explored just that in our new infographic, Location Intelligence for Smarter Field Inspections.

Fulcrum enters definitive Commercial Provider agreement with Esri

Great news! Fulcrum has entered a definitive Commercial Provider agreement with Esri™ to build on the Esri technology stack. What does that mean? Let’s break it down.

Build location-aware apps in minutes: maximize return on your GIS investment with Fulcrum

With the mobile revolution, more and more users in field roles are discovering the power of location-based data. Whether it is used to trigger a workflow or process, or simply help visualize information on a map, users — particularly those who work in the field — are increasingly demanding location-aware apps to make their jobs easier and more efficient.

Maps save lives: The importance of location-based data

Amid the election and pandemic, it seems every American has likely deepened their knowledge of U.S. geography. We’ve spent a substantial part of the year analyzing data. This data has pinpointed where the virus hits hardest, identified states reporting their election outcomes, and now, tracks the deployment of the coronavirus vaccine.

Exploring Fulcrum Data Events

While our engineers are hard at work building a flexible platform that suits the needs of our diverse user base, we often receive feedback from users exploring the software (or potential customers) and requesting very specific features, totally unique to their workflow.

Indoor and Offline Mapping Made Easy

I recently demonstrated to a Fulcrum customer how to georeference a floor plan of a mall for indoor use when conducting inspections of malls around the country. This same process can be used with Fulcrum for creating small offline maps. I’ve chosen not to use QGIS or ArcMap, but instead am using inexpensive or free software that anyone can learn to use in less than an hour.